Managing methane: External pressures
    Validere Playbook

    Managing methane: External pressures

    Validere Playbook

    In the second installment of our managing methane playbook series, Validere’s expert Market Fundamentals Team explores the new external pressures that impact the way oil and gas companies manage and reduce methane emissions.

    Download part two of the playbook series to learn more about:

    • How forthcoming U.S. & Canadian regulatory changes are driving the need for improved measurement
    • What role third-party measurements play in the democratization of methane emissions data
    • Why more investors are judging the long-term sustainability of investments based on an operator’s true emissions profile
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    About Validere


    Validere is an Emissions Management Software Platform that enables customers to integrate their operational and field measurement data for regulatory reporting and corporate emissions initiatives.

    Over 50 of North America’s leading energy companies rely on Validere’s technology and multidisciplinary experts to understand their emissions and navigate an increasingly complex environment with clarity and ease.

    Validere is on a mission to better human prosperity by making the energy supply chain efficient and sustainable. The company has offices in Houston, Calgary, and Toronto.

    Learn how

    Houston 3730 Kirby Dr, Suite 1200 | Calgary 530 8 Ave SW, Suite 710 | Toronto 1300 Yonge St, 7th Floor