Analyzing the landscape of voluntary initiatives for natural gas.

    Voluntary initiatives for natural gas


    Voluntary initiatives broadly seek to contribute in some way to emissions credibility across the oil and natural gas value chain and support or drive mitigation efforts. Some initiatives identify and target substantive issues, encompassed within the three principal issues hindering emissions credibility below. For example, the most consistently referenced issue among the environmental non-governmental organization (eNGO), regulatory, scientific, and financial stakeholder communities is a vote of no confidence regarding the credibility of reported emissions data.

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    Our view is that the principal factor contributing to this lack of confidence in emissions data is the preponderance of academic research1 and media content highlighting significant discrepancies between site level measurement campaigns and total emissions reported based largely on generic emissions factors methods, such as those required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.

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    Validere is an Emissions Management Software Platform that enables customers to integrate their operational and field measurement data for regulatory reporting and corporate emissions initiatives.

    Over 50 of North America’s leading energy companies rely on Validere’s technology and multidisciplinary experts to understand their emissions and navigate an increasingly complex environment with clarity and ease.

    Validere is on a mission to better human prosperity by making the energy supply chain efficient and sustainable. The company has offices in Houston, Calgary, and Toronto.

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