A scalable approach to certifying natural gas

    A scalable approach to certifying natural gas


    Ensuring optionality with an essential data foundation

    The market for Certified Natural Gas is rapidly accelerating. In just the last few months, new trades and certifications of responsibly developed natural gas have been hitting headlines, while S&P Global Platts launched a new daily price benchmark for methane performance in natural gas production in the US.  

    To develop a scalable Certified Natural Gas business, producers need to think about how their approach addresses multiple third-party certifications, automated measurement and data management of ESG attributes, and the capability to swiftly audit results.

    Join us to learn how Validere enables a scalable Certified Natural Gas business. We’ll cover:

    • A playbook to certifying natural gas
    • Common learnings from recent certified natural gas announcements
    • A demonstration of how Validere’s ESG Hub software can automate the process

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    About Validere


    Validere is an Emissions Management Software Platform that enables customers to integrate their operational and field measurement data for regulatory reporting and corporate emissions initiatives.

    Over 50 of North America’s leading energy companies rely on Validere’s technology and multidisciplinary experts to understand their emissions and navigate an increasingly complex environment with clarity and ease.

    Validere is on a mission to better human prosperity by making the energy supply chain efficient and sustainable. The company has offices in Houston, Calgary, and Toronto.

    Learn how

    Houston 3730 Kirby Dr, Suite 1200 | Calgary 530 8 Ave SW, Suite 710 | Toronto 1300 Yonge St, 7th Floor