The future of responsibly sourced gas
    Conference Video

    The future of responsibly sourced gas

    Conference Video

    Tracking each molecule from the ground through final delivery

    Watch this session from the 2021 Global Energy Summit, presented by Wood Mackenzie.

    Wood Mackenzie expects RSG (Responsibly Sourced Gas) to play a major role on the path to decarbonization for North American gas markets. A critical factor in making this happen is being able to track each RSG molecule from the ground to delivery.

    This talk examines:
    • How RSG is enabled by certifiable proof of a specific commodity’s emissions profile
    • The value of RSG for producers
    • Looking past producers, what the future of RSG looks like for the midstream sector and end users
    • What must be overcome to allow for wider adoption of RSG

    Learn more about the Global Energy Summit.



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